and now to submit a few suggestions Iv thought enough about to make an account and post them here. and so after so0oOo much play time I haven't played it since, mainly because iv done almost everything 50 times, but also in hopes that along with some awesome updates you guys keep pumping out, that things might change and instead of burning out on it decide to take a bit of a break.

But tits is so more free range and the content difference even with the mod feels vast.and after what is god only knows what play through it will of been I made it to the first real encounter with your cousin and the pod and of course Dane.(shouldn't be to much of a spoiler right) and to get to my point, Iv never really been satisfied with that encounter. In fact I even continued and loved playing coc with kittys expansion. Welp, let me start by saying iv very much enjoy this game, along with coc and what iv played of coc2.